AT Automotive Technology


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NEW! Electric and hybrid vehicles are now the present, not the future.... This straightforward and highly illustrated full-colour textbook is endorsed by the Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI) and introduces the subject for further education and undergraduate students as well as technicians and workshop owners, with sections for drivers who are interested to know more.

This new edition contains extensively updated content, especially on batteries, charging and the high-voltage pathway and includes all new case studies and new images, photos and flow charts throughout. It covers the different types of electric vehicle, costs and emissions and the charging infrastructure before moving on to explain how hybrid and electric vehicles work. A chapter on electrical technology introduces learners to subjects such as batteries, control systems and charging, which are then covered in more detail within their own chapters. The book also covers the maintenance and repair procedures of these vehicles, including diagnostics, servicing, repair and first-responder information.

The book is particularly suitable for students studying towards IMI Level 1 Award in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Awareness, IMI Level 2 Award in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Operation and Maintenance, IMI Level 3 Award in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Repair and Replacement, IMI Level 4 Award in the Diagnosis, Testing and Repair of Electric/Hybrid Vehicles and Components, IMI accreditation, City and Guilds and all other EV/hybrid courses.


  • Electric vehicles introduction
  • Safe working, tools and hazard management
  • Electrical and electronic principles
  • Electric vehicle technology
  • Batteries
  • Motors and control systems
  • Charging
  • Maintenance, repairs and replacement
  • Diagnostics
  • High voltage pathway for the independent workshop
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eBook only, paperback here.

Automotive Technician Training is the definitive student textbook for automotive engineering. It covers all the theory and technology sections that students need to learn in order to pass levels 1, 2 and 3 automotive courses....It is recommended by the Institute of the Motor Industry and is ideal for courses and exams run by other awarding bodies. This revised edition overhauls the coverage of general skills and advanced diagnostic techniques.

It also includes a new chapter about electric and hybrid vehicles and advanced driver-assistance systems, along with new online learning activities. Unlike current textbooks on the market, this takes a blended-learning approach, using interactive features that make learning more enjoyable and effective. It is ideal to use on its own but when linked with IMI eLearning online resources, it provides a comprehensive package that includes activities, video footage, assessments and further reading. Information and activities are set out in sequence to meet teacher and learner needs, as well as qualification requirements.


  • How to Use This Book
  • Working Safely
  • Automotive Industry
  • Workshop Skills
  • Maintenance
  • Engine Systems
  • Electrical Systems
  • Chassis Systems
  • Transmission Systems
  • Diagnostics
  • A Trending Future: Electric Vehicles and Hybrid Vehicles and ADAS
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Ideal for technicians and students, along with 25 new real-life case studies..., this fifth edition includes new content on diagnostic tools and equipment: VCDS, decade boxes, scanners, pass through, sensor simulators, break out boxes, multimeter updates for HV use, and more.

It explains the fundamentals of vehicle systems and components, and it examines diagnostic principles and the latest techniques. Diagnostics is an essential part of a technician's work, and as automotive systems become increasingly complex there is a greater need for these skills.


  • Introduction
  • Diagnostic technique
  • Tools and equipment
  • Sensors, actuators and oscilloscope diagnostics
  • On-board diagnostics
  • Engine systems
  • Chassis systems
  • Electrical systems
  • Transmission systems
  • Case studies
10% off

This textbook will help you learn all the skills you need to pass... all Vehicle Electrical and Electronic Systems courses and qualifications. As electrical and electronic systems become increasingly more complex and fundamental to the workings of modern vehicles, understanding these systems is essential for automotive technicians. For students new to the subject, this book will help to develop this knowledge, but will also assist experienced technicians in keeping up with recent technological advances.

This new edition includes information on developments in pass-through technology, multiplexing, and engine control systems. In full colour and covering the latest course specifications, this is the guide that no student enrolled on an automotive maintenance and repair course should be without. Case studies to help you put the principles covered into a real-life context. Useful margin features throughout, including definitions, key facts and ‘safety first’ considerations.


  • Electrical and electronic principles
  • Tools and equipmen
  • Electrical systems and circuits
  • Batteries
  • Charging
  • Starting
  • Ignition
  • Fuel control
  • Engine management
  • Lighting
  • Auxiliaries
  • Instrumentation
  • Heating ventilation and air conditioning
  • Chassis electrical
  • Comfort and safety
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The third edition of Automobile Mechanical and Electrical Systems concentrates on core... technologies to provide the essential information required to understand how different vehicle systems work. It gives a complete overview of the components and workings of a vehicle from the engine through to the chassis and electronics. It also explains the necessary tools and equipment needed in effective car maintenance and repair, and relevant safety procedures are included throughout.

Designed to make learning easier, this book contains: Photographs, flow charts and quick reference tables Detailed diagrams and clear descriptions that simplify the more complicated topics and aid revision Useful features throughout, including definitions, key facts and ‘safety first’ considerations. In full colour this is the guide no student enrolled on an automotive maintenance and repair course should be without.


  • Overview and introduction
  • Engine systems
  • Electrical systems
  • Chassis systems
  • Transmission systems
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Automated vehicles are set to transform the world. Automated driving vehicles are here... already and undergoing serious testing in several countries around the world. This book explains the technologies in language that is easy to understand and accessible to all readers. It covers the subject from several angles but in particular shows the links to existing ADAS technologies already in use in all modern vehicles.

There is a lot of hype in the media at the moment about autonomous or driverless cars, and while some manufacturers expect to have vehicles available from 2020, they will not soon take over and it will be some time before they are commonplace. However, it is very important to be ready for the huge change of direction that automated driving will take. This is the first book of its type available and complements the other books.


  • Introduction
  • Safety
  • Advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS)
  • Automated driving technologies
  • Social and human issues
  • Case studies
10% off

eBook only, paperback here.

Alternative Fuel Vehicles gives full coverage of all associated qualifications... and awards in the emerging field of alternative fuels. It is an essential introduction to the ever-growing demand for vehicles that operate using non-conventional fuels.

This first book on AFVs endorsed by the IMI begins with an overview of the subject, ideal for beginners, before outlining what is meant by alternative fuels, why they are necessary, and why climate change and associated legislation are key drivers. Details of how alternative fuels are made, the supply infrastructure, and how these vehicles work are all included.

A chapter on fuel cells introduces learners to the use of hydrogen, and one on engines and engine management includes coverage of combustion as an aid to understanding why changing the type of engine fuel is complex.

Some basic engine technology is included to help readers new to the subject. Real-life case studies and examples are used to illustrate different technologies in current use, and to speculate on new developments. This book is an ideal companion to any unit of study on alternative fuel, but will also be of interest to working technicians and keen amateurs.


  • Introduction
  • The environment
  • Alternative fuels
  • Fuel cells
  • Engines
  • Case studies


To add value to the textbooks, Hayley and Tom are pleased to provide the following resources:

:- Searching and interactive activities

:- Videos

:- Downloads

:- Diagnostics

:- Calculations

:- Toolbox

:- Manufacturer's data links

:- Automotive glossary (IMI site)


Tom Denton has been researching and writing best-selling automotive textbooks for over 32 years. His published work is endorsed by all leading professional organisations and used by automotive students across the world. He has taught college students at all levels, and always helped them achieve the best results. Tom was also a Staff Tutor and is an Associate Lecturer for the Open University. His post graduate education in all aspects of technology and education, as well as many years of practical experience, has given him a broad base from which to approach and teach this interesting, yet challenging subject.

As well as publishing over 45 textbooks, Tom has created amazing support materials and eLearning courses. He stepped back from full time work in 2023, and now concentrates on his music hobby and band. Read about his career and learn how to write a book here! Paperback Writer


You can contact Tom here - note it may take a few days for a reply as I get a lot of messages!

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